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“Open source maintainers are drowning in junk bug reports written by AI”, reports The Register

“Who killed Agile?”, asks Jon Kerry, co-author of the Agile Manifesto

Move over, SemVer, it is time for calendar versioning!

If you don’t own the product, the product owns you

AI vs Pythagoras

The rumours of death of JavaScript are greatly exagerrated

Farewell, AI Bubble!

Architecture | Building Modular Systems with Redis

Insulting strangers online is not free speech

How to turn DDOS attacks into a business opportunity

Down with cookie walls, give us the Web Privacy API!

The fuss around Web3

How to create desktop notifications and reminders from Linux terminal

How To Look Busy on Monday

Turbo is alive!

Welcome to Meta Penitentiary!

How to quickly view applications’ memory use with smem

Huh, file system? What is it?

Create secure private networks with ZeroTier

How The Big Tech stays big?

The all-seeing ‘i’, by Edward Snowden

Boost your development environment with Ubuntu Multipass

What to think of Microsoft Edge?

My First Programming Language

Go FOSS, be free!

Nobody likes Mondays, but …

It’s official! Linux is ready for Mom and Pops!

Senior StackOverflow Developer is a real thing

GOTO not always harmful!

GDU - lightweight and fast disk usage analyser for terminal

Programming languages alive and kicking!

Architecture | Building large projects with Vue, Vite and Lerna

Friday fun with cows and lolcats

Economic costs of poor software quality

Co z tym WhatsApp-em?

WhatsApp Manifesto

WhatsApp is Facebook is Instagram is No Privacy Whatsoever

Away With the Bloat!

Edsger W. Dijkstra - The Story

Architecture | Multi-User Applications with PouchDB and IBM Cloudant

Sending Files Between Computers in 21st Century

The Rise and Fall of a Senior Developer

Architecture | Vue JS 3 Application Without Build

Architecture | Reactive Vue 3 State

Architecture | Vue JS Application Without Build