In 1957 science fiction writer named Theodore Sturgeon famously stated: “90% of everything is crap”. This statement became known as “Sturgeon’s Law” and remains applicable to majority of human endeavours. With the impending tsunami of AI slop it seems the number needs to be revised much higher.
“Who killed Agile?”, asks Jon Kerry, co-author of the Agile Manifesto, expressing dismay at how ugly his poster child has become
A new scheme for versioning software projects is gaining popularity: Calendar Versioning. Instead of arbitrary version numbers of SemVer standard, it suggests using release dates. Maybe a good idea for your project?
Get your own domain and private email address now. Another “secure” email provider goes down. Two million users biting their nails as Notion takes over Skiff and immediately shuts it down.
I needed a function to check if the point belongs to a line between two other points. Let’s see how ChatGPT can be helpful!
Interesting developments in TypeScript community. Another open source project announces return to plain JavaScript. Another flame war begins. People are angry and upset that JavaScript refuses to die.
Yahoo Finance reports - The AI Bubble Might be Popping. That escalated fast!
Redis, a popular data store and message bus solution, can be used in countless ways. Simple ‘hello world’ examples fall short of showing all available possibilities. Instead, in this article we focus on several real-life scenarios, where Redis helped us build a resilient modular software architecture.
Japan makes online insults punishable. The suicide of a popular TV star who became a victim of online harassment was a pivotal point. Are fears of suppression of free speech justified?
When working with AWS, I have to stay alert all the time, as Amazon keeps coming up with new ingenious ways of extracting money. And boy, they did it again today! Welcome to AWS Lambda Function URLs!